Submitted···> Peer-reviewed articles- Amezcua J., Ide K., Kalnay E., Reich S., 2012: Ensemble transform Kalman-Bucy filters. QJRMS, submitted, submitted: Aug 2011, revised: Jan 2012.
- Li, Z., Y. Chao, J.C. McWilliams, K. Ide, and J. Farrara, 2011: A Multi-Scale Three-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation Scheme and Its Application to Coastal Oceans. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., submitted.
- D. Merkova, I. Szunyogh, E. Ott, 2011: Strategies for Coupling Global and Limited-Area Ensemble Kalman Filter Assimilation. Mon. Wea. Rev., submitted.
- J. A. Aravequia, I. Szunyogh, E. J. Fertig, E. Kalnay, D. Kuhl, E. Kostelich, 2011: Evaluation of a Strategy for the Assimilation of Satellite Radiance Observations with the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. Mon. Wea. Rev., submitted.
- Istvan Szunyogh, Heini Wernli, Jan Barkmeijer, Craig H. Bishop, Edmund Chang, Patrick Harr, Sarah Jones, Thomas Jung, Naoko Kitabatake, Peter Knippertz, Shuhei Maeda, Sharanya Majumdar, Conny Schwierz, Olivier Talagrand, Frederic Vitart, 2011: Recent Developments in Predictability and Dynamical Processes (PDP) Research: A Report by the THORPEX PDP Working Group. BAMS, submitted.
- Yang, S-C, E. Kalnay, M. Cai and M. Rienecker, 2011: Bred vectors and forecast errors in the NASA coupled general circulation model. Mon. Wea. Rev., submitted.
In Press···> Peer-reviewed articles- de la Camara, Alvaro, Carlos R. Mechoso, Ana M. Mancho, Encarna Serrano, and Kayo Ide, 2013: Isentropic transport within the Antarctic polar night vortex: Rossby wave breaking evidence and Lagrangian structures. J. Atmos. Sci., in press. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-12-0274.1
- S. Rainwater & B. R. Hunt, 2013: Mixed resolution ensemble data assimilation. Mon. Wea. Rev., in press. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-12-00234.1
- Hoffman, R. N., R. M. Ponte, E. J. Kostelich, A. Blumberg, I. Szunyogh, S. V. Vinogradov, and J. M. Henderson, 2011: A Simulation Study Using a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter for Data Assimilation in New York Harbor. Journal of Atmosphere and Ocean Technology, in press.
- Liu, J. and E. Kalnay, 2011: Simple Doppler Wind Lidar adaptive observation experiments with 3D-Var and an ensemble Kalman filter in a global primitive equations model. Geophys. Res. Lett., in press.
2013···> Peer-reviewed articles- Lien, G.-Y., E. Kalnay, and T. Miyoshi, 2013: Effective assimilation of global precipitation: Simulation experiments. Tellus A, 65, 19915. doi:10.3402/tellusa.v65i0.19915
- Rabier F. and co-authors, 2013: The Concordiasi Field Experiment over Antarctica: First Results from Innovative Atmospheric Measurements. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94, ES17-ES20. doi:
- C. Gonzalez-Tokman, B. R. Hunt, 2013: Ensemble data assimilation for hyperbolic systems. Physica D, 243, 128-142.
- S. Rainwater and B. R. Hunt, 2013: Ensemble data assimilation with adjusted forecast spread,
Tellus A, 65, 19929.
2012···> Peer-reviewed articles- de la Canara, A., A. M. Mancho, K. Ide, E. Serrano, C. R. Mechoso, 2012: Routes of Transport across the Antarctic Polar Vortex in the Southern Spring. J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 741-752. doi:DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-11-0142.1
- Hoffman, M. J., T. Miyoshi, T. W. N. Haine, K. Ide, C. W. Brown, and R. Murtugudde, 2012: An Advanced Data Assimilation System for the Chesapeake Bay: Performance Evaluation. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 29, 1542-1557. doi:DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00126.1
- Y. Yoon, B. R. Hunt, E. Ott., I. Szunyogh, 2012: Simultaneous global and limited-area data assimilation using joint states. Tellus A, 64, 18407. doi:10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.18407
- Kang, J.-S., E. Kalnay, T. Miyoshi, J. Liu, and I. Fung, 2012: Estimation of surface carbon fluxes with an advanced data assimilation methodology. J. Geophys. Res., 117, D24101. doi:10.1029/2012JD018259
- Amezcua, J., K. Ide, C. Bishop, and E. Kalnay, 2012: Ensemble clustering in deterministic ensemble Kalman filters. Tellus A, 64. doi:10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.18039
- Yang, S.-C., E. Kalnay adn B. Hunt, 2012: Handling nonlinearity in an Ensemble Kalman Filter: Experiments with the three-variable Lorenz model. Mon. Wea. Rev, 140. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00313.1
- Kunii, M., T. Miyoshi, and E. Kalnay, 2012: Estimating impact of real observations in regional numerical weather prediction using an ensemble Kalman filter. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00205.1
2011···> Peer-reviewed articles- Amezcua J., Kalnay E., Williams P., 2011: Effects of the RAW filter in the climatology and forecast skill of the SPEEDY model. Mon. Wea. Rev, 119, 608-619.
- Kang, J.-S., E. Kalnay, J. Liu, I. Fung, T. Miyoshi, and K. Ide, 2011: “Variable localization” in an ensemble Kalman filter: Application to the carbon cycle data assimilation. J. Geophys. Res., 116, D09110. doi:10.1029/2010JD014673
- Miyoshi, T., 2011: The Gaussian Approach to Adaptive Covariance Inflation and Its Implementation with the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 1519-1535. doi:10.1175/2010MWR3570.1
- Greybush, S. J., E. Kalnay, T. Miyoshi, K. Ide, and B. R. Hunt, 2011: Balance and Ensemble Kalman Filter Localization Techniques. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 511–522. doi:10.1175/2010MWR3328.1
- Werner, M. J., K. Ide, and D. Sornette, 2011: Earthquake forecasting based on data assimilation: sequential Monte Carlo methods for renewal point processes. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 18, 49-70. doi:10.5194/npg-18-49-2011
- Vernieres, G., C.K.R.T. Jones, K. Ide, 2011: Capturing eddy shedding in the Gulf of Mexico from Lagrangian observations. Physica D, 240, 166-179.
···> Other articles2010···> Peer-reviewed articles- de la Camra, A., C. R. Mechoso, K. Ide, R. Walterscheid, G. Schubert, 2010: Polar night vortex breakdown and large-scale stirring in the southern stratosphere. Clim. Dyn., 35, 965-975. doi:10.1007/s00382-009-0632-6
- Hoffman, M. J., S .J. Greybush, R. J. Wilson, G. Gyarmati, R. N. Hoffman, E. Kalnay, K. Ide, E. Kostelich, T. Miyoshi, and I. Szunyogh., 2010: An ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system for the Martian atmosphere: Implementation and simulation experiments. Icarus, 209, 470-481. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2010.03.034
2009···> Peer-reviewed articles- S.-J. Baek, I. Szunyogh, B. R. Hunt, E. Ott, 2009: Correcting for surface pressure background bias in ensemble-based analyses. Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 2349-2364. doi:10.1175/2008MWR2787.1
- M. Cornick, B. R. Hunt, E. Ott, H. Kurtuldu, M. F. Schatz, 2009: State and parameter estimation of spatiotemporally chaotic systems illustrated by an application to Rayleigh-Benard convection. Chaos, 19, 013108. doi:10.1063/1.3072780
- S.-C. Yang, E. Kalnay, B. R. Hunt, N. Bowler, 2009: Weight interpolation for efficient data assimilation with the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 135, 251-262. doi:10.1002/qj.353
- E. J. Fertig, S.-J. Baek, B. R. Hunt, E. Ott, I. Szunyogh, J. A. Aravequia, E. Kalnay, H. Li, J. Liu,, 2009: Observation bias correction with an ensemble Kalman filter. Tellus A, 61, 210-226. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2008.00378.x
- Hoffman, M. J., E. Kalnay, J. A. Carton, and S.-C. Yang, 2009: Use of breeding to detect and explain instabilities in the global ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36. doi:10.1029/2009GL037729
- Liu, J., E. Kalnay, T. Miyoshi, and C. Cardinali, 2009: Analysis sensitivity calculation within an ensemble Kalman filter. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 135, 1842-1851. doi:10.1002/qj.511
- Li, H., E. Kalnay, T. Miyoshi, and C. M. Danforth, 2009: Accounting for Model Errors in Ensemble Data Assimilation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 3407-3419. doi:10.1175/2009MWR2766.1
- Ballabrera-Poy, J., E. Kalnay and Shu-Chih Yang, 2009: Data assimilation in a system with two scales—combining two initialization techniques. Tellus, 61A, 539–549.
- Li, H., E. Kalnay, and T. Miyoshi, 2009: Simultaneous estimation of covariance inflation and observation errors within an ensemble Kalman filter. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 135, 523-533. doi:10.1002/qj.371
- Yang, S-C., M. Corazza, A. Carrassi, E. Kalnay, and T. Miyoshi, 2009: Comparison of ensemble-based and variational-based data assimilation schemes in a quasi-geostrophic model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 693-709. doi:10.1175/2008MWR2396.1
2008···> Peer-reviewed articles- Danforth, C. M. and E. Kalnay, 2008: Impact of Online Empirical Model Correction on Nonlinear Error Growth. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L24805. doi:10.1029/2008GL036239
- Liu, J., E. J. Fertig, H. Li, E. Kalnay, B. R. Hunt, E. J. Kostelich, I. Szunyogh, and R. Todling, 2008: Comparison between Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter and PSAS in the NASA finite volume GCM – perfect model experiments. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 15, 645-659.
- Liu, J. and E. Kalnay, 2008: Estimating observation impact without adjoint model in an ensemble Kalman filter. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 134, 1327-1335.
- Danforth, C. M. and E. Kalnay, 2008: Using singular value decomposition to parameterize state-dependent model errors. J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 1467-1478.
- Szunyogh, I., E. J. Kostelich, G. Gyarmati, E. Kalnay, B. R. Hunt, E. Ott, E. Satterfield, and J. A. Yorke, 2008: A local ensemble transform Kalman filter data assimilation system for the NCEP global model. Tellus, 60A, 113-130.
2007···> Peer-reviewed articles- J. Harlim & B. R. Hunt, 2007: Four-dimensional local ensemble transform Kalman filter: numerical experiments with a global circulation model. Tellus A, 59, 731-748. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2007.00255.x
- J. Harlim & B. R. Hunt, 2007: A non-Gaussian ensemble filter for assimilating infrequent noisy observations. Tellus A, 59, 225-237. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2007.00225.x
- Fertig, E., B. R. Hunt, E. Ott, and I. Szunyogh, 2007: Assimilating Nonlocal Observations with a Local Ensemble Kalman Filter. Tellus, 59A, 719-739.
- Kalnay, E., H. Li, T. Miyoshi, S-C. Yang, and J. Ballabrera, 2007: Response to the discussion on \"4-D-Var or EnKF?\" by Nils Gustafsson. Tellus, 59A, 778-780. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2007.00263.x
- Kalnay, E., H. Li, T. Miyoshi, S-C. Yang, and J. Ballabrera, 2007: 4-D-Var or Ensemble Kalman Filter?. Tellus, 59A, 758-773. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2007.00261.x
- Hunt, B. R., E. J. Kostelich, and I. Szunyogh, 2007: Efficient data assimilation for spatiotemporal chaos: a local ensemble transform Kalman filter. Physica D, 230, 112-126.
- Kuhl, D., I. Szunyogh, E. J. Kostelich, D. J. Patil, G. Gyarmati, M. Oczkowski, B. R. Hunt, E. Kalnay, E. Ott, J. A. Yorke, 2007: Assessing Predictability with a Local Ensemble Kalman Filter. J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 1116-1140.
- Danforth, C. M., E. Kalnay, and T. Miyoshi, 2007: Estimating and Correcting Global Weather Model Error. Mon. Wea. Rev., 135, 281-299. doi:10.1175/MWR3289.1
- Corazza, M., E. Kalnay, and S.-C. Yang, 2007: An implementation of the Local Ensemble Kalman Filter in a quasigeostrophic model and comparison with 3D-Var. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 14, 89-101.
- Fertig, E., J. Harlim, and B. R. Hunt, 2007: A comparative Study of 4D-VAR and 4D Ensemble Kalman Filter: Perfect Model Simulations with Lorenz-96. Tellus, 59A, 96-101.
···> Other articles- Liu, J. and E. Kalnay, 2007: Simple Doppler Wind Lidar adaptive observation experiments with 3D-Var and an ensemble Kalman filter in a global primitive equations model. Geophysical Research Letters.
- Liu, J., E. J. Fertig, H. Li, E. Kalnay, B. R. Hunt, E. J. Kostelich, I. Szunyogh, R. Todling, 2007: Comparison between Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter and PSAS in the NASA finite volume GCM: perfect model experiments., 0703066.
- Szunyogh, I. E. A. SatterďŹeld, J. A. AravĂŠquia, E. J. Fertig, G. Gyarmati, E. Kalnay, B. R. Hunt, E. J. Kostelich, D. D. Kuhl, E. Ott, and J. A. Yorke, 2007: The Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter and its implementation on the NCEP global model at the University of Maryland. ECMWF Workshop on Flow-dependent aspects of data assimilation.
2006···> Peer-reviewed articles- Danforth, C. M. and J. A. Yorke, 2006: Making Forecasts for Chaotic Physical Processes. Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 144102.
- Yang, S.-C., D. Baker, H. Li, M. Huff, G. Nagpal, E. Okereke, J. Villafane, E. Kalnay and G. Duane, 2006: Data assimilation as synchronization of truth and model: experiments with the 3-variable Lorenz system. J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 2340-2354.
- Yang, S.-C.,M. Cai, E. Kalnay, M. Rienecker, G. Yuan, and Z. Toth, 2006: ENSO Bred Vectors in Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere General Circulation Models. J. of Climate, 19, 1422-1436.
- Baek, S.-J., B. R. Hunt, E. Kalnay, E. Ott and I. Szunyogh, 2006: Local ensemble Kalman filtering in the presence of model bias. Tellus, 58A, 293-306.
- Zimin, A. V., I. Szunyogh, B. R. Hunt, and E. Ott, 2006: Extracting Envelopes of Non-Zonally Propagating Rossby Wave Packets. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 1329-1333.
2005···> Peer-reviewed articles- Szunyogh, I., E. J. Kostelich, G. Gyarmati, D. J. Patil, B. R. Hunt,E. Kalnay, E. Ott and J. A. Yorke, 2005: Assessing a Local Ensemble Kalman Filter: Perfect Model Experiments with the NCEP Global Model. Tellus, 57A, 528-545.
- Harlim, J., M. Oczkowski, J. A. Yorke, E. Kalnay, and B. R. Hunt, 2005: Convex Error Growth Patterns in a Global Weather Model. Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 228501.
- Oczkowski, M., I. Szunyogh, and D. J. Patil, 2005: Mechanisms for the Development of Locally Low Dimensional Atmospheric Dynamics. J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 1135-1156.
2004···> Peer-reviewed articles- Evans, E., N. Bhatti, J. Kinney, L. Pann, M. Peña, S.-C. Yang, E. Kalnay and J. Hansen, 2004: RISE undergraduates find that regime changes in Lorenz's model are predictable. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 85, 520-524.
- Ott, E., B. R. Hunt, I. Szunyogh, A. V. Zimin, E. J. Kostelich, M. Kostelich, M. Corazza, T. Sauer, E. Kalnay, D. J. Patil, and J. A. Yorke, 2004: A Local Ensemble Kalman Filter for Atmospheric Data Assimilation. Tellus, 56A, 415-428.
- Hunt, B. R., E. Kalnay, E. J. Kostelich, E. Ott, D. J. Patil, T. Sauer, I. Szunyogh, J. A. Yorke, and A. V. Zimin, 2004: Four-Dimensional Ensemble Kalman Filtering. Tellus, 56A, 273-277.
- Ott, E., B. R. Hunt, I. Szunyogh, A. V. Zimin, E. J. Kostelich, M. Corazza, E. Kalnay, D. J. Patil, and J. A. Yorke, 2004: Estimating the State of Large Spatio-Temporally Chaotic Systems. Physics Letters A, 330, 365-370.
- Baek, S.-J., B. R. Hunt, I. Szunyogh, A. V. Zimin, and E. Ott, 2004: Localized Error Bursts in Estimating the State of Spatiotemporal Chaos. Chaos, 14, 1042-1049.
···> Other articles- Sauer, T., J. A. Yorke, A. V. Zimin, E. Ott, E. J. Kostelich, I. Szunyogh, G. Gyarmati, E. Kalnay, and D. J. Patil, 2004: 4D Ensemble Kalman Filtering for Assimilation of Asynchronous Observations. 84th AMS Annual Meeting 2004; Seattle, WA.
- Szunyogh, I., E. J. Kostelich, G. Gyarmati, B. R. Hunt, E. Ott, A. V. Zimin, E. Kalnay, D. J. Patil, and J. A. Yorke, 2004: A Local Ensemble Kalman Filter for the NCEP GFS Model. 84th AMS Annual Meeting 2004; Seattle, WA.
- Kostelich, E. J., G. Gyarmati, B. R. Hunt, E. Kalnay, E. Ott, D. J. Patil, and J. A. Yorke, 2004: The Local Ensemble Kalman Filter of the University of Maryland. Workshop on Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorological Modeling for Military Applications Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi May 25-26 and AMS Symposium on the 50th Anniversary of Operational Numerical Weather Prediction, 14-17 June 2004, College Park, MD.
2003···> Peer-reviewed articles- Gyarmati, G., I. Szunyogh, and D. J. Patil, 2003: Local Predictability in a Simple Model of Atmospheric Balance. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 10, 183-196.
- Corazza, M., E. Kalnay, D. J. Patil, S.-C. Yang, R. Morss, M. Cai, I. Szunyogh, B. R. Hunt, and J. A. Yorke, 2003: Use of the Breeding Technique to Estimate the Structure of Analysis "Errors of the Day". Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 10, 233-243.
- Zimin, A. V., I. Szunyogh, D. J. Patil, B. R. Hunt, and E. Ott, 2003: Extracting Envelopes of Rossby Wave Packets. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1011-1017.
- Szunyogh, I., G. Gyarmati, and D. Devenyi, 2003: Using Observed Data for Testing the Statistical Consistency of Initial Ensemble Perturbations. Idojaras [Quart.Jour. of the Hungarian Met. Service], 105, .
2002···> Peer-reviewed articles- Szunyogh, I., Z. Toth, A. V. Zimin, S. J. Majumdar, and A. Persson, 2002: Propagation of the Effect of Targeted Observations: The 2000 Winter Storm Reconnaissance Program. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 1144-1165.
- Szunyogh, I. and Z. Toth, 2002: The Effect of Increased Horizontal Resolution on the NCEP Global Ensemble Mean Forecasts. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 1125-1143.
···> Other articles- Patil, D. J., I. Szunyogh, A. V. Zimin, B. R. Hunt, E. Kalnay, E. Ott, and J. A. Yorke, 2002: Local Low Dimensionality and Relation to Effects of Targeted Weather Observations. Seventh Experimental Chaos Conference, Aug 26-29 2002 San Diego, Ca., USA.
- Szunyogh, I., A. V. Zimin, D. J. Patil, B. R. Hunt, E. Kalnay, E. Ott, and J. A. Yorke, 2002: On the Dynamical Basis of Targeting Weather Observations. Proceedings on Symposium on Observations, Data Assimilation, and Probabilistic Prediction, Amer. Met. Soc. Jan. 13-17, 2002 Orlando Fl., USA.
- Patil, D. J., I. Szunyogh, B. R. Hunt, E. Kalnay, E. Ott, and J. A. Yorke, 2002: Using Large Member Ensembles To Isolate Local Low Dimensionality of Atmospheric Dynamics. Proceedings on Symposium on Observations, Data Assimilation, and Probabilistic Prediction, Amer. Met. Soc. Jan. 13-17, 2002 Orlando Fl., USA.
2001···> Peer-reviewed articles- Patil, D. J., B. R. Hunt, and J. A. Carton, 2001: Identifying Low-Dimensional Nonlinear Behavior in Atmospheric Data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, 2116-2125.
- Patil, D. J., B. R. Hunt, E. Kalnay, J. A. Yorke, and E. Ott, 2001: Local Low Dimensionality of Atmospheric Dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett., 86, 5878-5881. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.5878